Tag Archives: congress

Dear John Boehner:

How can you, John Boehner, beat the podium, screaming that the War on Women is fiction, when YOUR party, the Republican party, overwhelmingly voted AGAINST The Lilly Ledbetter Act, The Violence Against Women Act & now filibustered Equal Pay for Women. Plus, almost shutting down Government over the de-funding of Planned Parenthood. And the reason to vote AGAINST the Violence Against Women Act was that the 2012 version included protection of gay, illegal & Native American women. Also over 1,100 bills proposed by Republicans across this country restricting a woman’s right to choose her own health care & reproductive rights. Plus bills actually signed into law letting employers decide whether or not a woman’s need for contraception fits THEIR moral standards. The Blunt/Rubio Amendment was the single most disgusting piece of legislature THAT DAY. Passing laws allowing doctors to LIE to their patients if it will prevent an abortion. Wanting to make being a single mother a crime/child abuse. Forcing a woman to get an UNNECESSARY vaginal ultrasound when seeking an abortion AND making HER pay for it, including rape & incest victims.

No War on Women? Speaker Boehner?

Well please re read everything I listed. I didn’t make this up, YOUR party enacted these policies that are beyond anti-women. How can the War on Women be fake when all of these things actually happened? I think you’re the single worst Speaker of the House this country has ever seen and what does THAT say when this country had Newt Gingrich as its Speaker. You have NO idea how to wrangle in your Tea Party Congressmen, you give those press conferences with a smug look on your orange face WHILE lying the whole time. And anyone with a logical thought process knows that the War on Women, wrapped around the very fake “War on Religious Freedom” is the biggest bunch of bologna coming out of the Republican party in 2012. Maybe, just maybe that “argument” could have some merit to it IF “religious freedom” means ALL religions. So until the GOP starts to fight for ALL religious freedom, sit down & shut up because any American with common sense KNOWS it’s bullshit.

 It’s amazing that you have the audacity to say it’s The President’s fault for not passing a jobs bill, when YOU won’t even give 10% of anything, & you blame The President? Holding unemployment benefits hostage just to make sure the disastrous Bush tax cuts were extended, and you still say The President won’t compromise? Allowing the debt ceiling to expire, which has NEVER happened before. YOUR party did that. Not the President. YOUR party. Yet you say the President refuses to compromise? Which is code for “He MUST give us EVERYTHING because if President Obama doesn’t, he hates America.” Right? I mean that sounds about right.

All you are trying to do is convince the most ignorant of Americans that the GOP is all about jobs jobs jobs when in fact, you guys are about anything BUT jobs. Jobs is code for “abortion.” Having a frivolous & pathetic vote about making sure “In God We Trust” stays on the bill is way more important than finding a way to create jobs. You & your party are liars, hypocrites & in the last year & a half, proven to hate anyone who doesn’t have a white penis. Am I wrong? NO. Why? Because EVERYTHING I’ve listed & pointed out is the truth & a lot of them are policies. YOUR party’s policies. And look at that, not one policy that includes the creation of one freakin’ job. Unless you think all the jobs are in a woman’s vagina.

Once, just once, I’d like to see you tell the truth from that podium during your press conferences. Is that really too much to ask? Maybe so, since you are really bad at your job. And thanks Rachel Maddow for pointing THAT out so brilliantly.

So go ahead and keep thinking you’re fooling the country. Keep having conferences about jobs and blame the President about no jobs and keep screaming that it’s the President who is not compromising … WHILE your party is voting on a bill about selective gender abortions. Another FAKE “issue.” … Just keep on doing THAT, Speaker.


Posted by on June 5, 2012 in Politics, Religion, Television


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