Tag Archives: rape

Protesting the Abortion Protesters

I believe I have a new calling. I found my passion. Today was an adrenaline rush I have only felt once before. Getting up, getting out of the house and driving down to Planned Parenthood to protest. That’s right, I went to go protest. Protest the protesters.

The first time I did this was on my birthday last November. I happened to drive by the St. Louis Planned Parenthood and saw a sign that just pissed me off. A woman had a sign that said, “Stop Black Genocide.” WHAT? So I slammed on my brakes, put my car in reverse and parked. I needed this woman to explain to me why she believes this sign to be true. And I did just that, first I asked if I could take a picture, she said NO but I did anyway. And then I politely (I swear) asked why she believes that sign to be a true statement. This was her answer, I’m not kidding, she said, “God told me.” So my face/mouth went into that wrinkly/crinkly position of ‘I promise I’m not laughing AT you’ except I was SO laughing AT her. And my response to her was, “You know abortion is not in the Bible.” The woman turned away and started walking away from me. So all the other protesters then gathered around me, about 6-7, telling me that ‘Thou Shall Not Kill’ is in the Bible and that’s where abortion is ‘mentioned’, obviously. How could I not see that? But I’m prepared. I did go to Catholic school and have been in abortion debates before and if there’s one thing I’m ready for, it’s ‘Bible’ talk. I smiled and said, “You know the Bible also says it’s ok to stone your disobedient children to death.” One person immediately called me a liar and the others, well the others, “that’s not meant to be literal”, they said. Really? By the way, here is the Bible verse giving the go ahead to murder your kids: Deuteronomy 21:18-21

But most of us know that the crazy Evangelical Christians do what they do best, cherry pick. And they cherry pick the Bible like no other. Yesterday at Planned Parenthood everybody they cited to me miraculously found ‘God’ at some point. There was one lady who had a ‘I regret my abortion’ sign was telling me to read Abby Johnson. A former Planned Parenthood director who ‘saw the light’. And listen, I do MY own research and homework. I like to be prepared & to have the facts. And guess what, Abby Johnson’s story is all about God and prayer. Well guess what? Not everyone believes in God and more important – THE BIBLE IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITES STATES. And the biggest myth is that this country was founded on Christian values. What a load of bull THAT is. Most of our Founding Fathers were Freemasons. But to the GOP & Religious zealots, facts don’t matter.

And this brings me to the most important moment of my time yesterday, there was a mother there with two children and seven months pregnant. After a discussion about rape and incest, which I’m sure is brought up in every debate on abortion, I asked her if she was willing to choose the fetus’ life over her own if her life was in danger. And without hesitation she said, “Yes.” I said, “Really. You could leave your children without a mother knowing there was an option?” And this was her answer. And I’m not making this up. She said, “My husband is a terrific father and if it comes down to it, there are wonderful adoption agencies.” Whoa. I knew she was lying, but can you tell a pregnant woman she’s a liar to her face? Well I could, because I’m a mean person, but I didn’t. I did say that if she really was in a position of having to leave her children motherless I don’t think she would be THAT decisive. And I also challenged her to actually go in Planned Parenthood and just say one thing, “I’m confused.” I wanted her to go in and see for herself that abortion is NOT the only option Planned Parenthood offers. The point here is CHOICE. I wanted her to see what really happens inside Planned Parenthood. I’ve heard over and over and over that it’s an ‘abortion factory’ and that abortions are their ‘bread and butter’ and that is so not the case. Not one person was willing to actually go inside and see for themselves. So at that point I said that your cause is lost on the fact that you are NOT factual. You have made up your own minds about this facility even though what you think to be true, isn’t.

A woman HAS to have a safe environment to terminate her pregnancy, no matter the reason. Rape, incest, or just a young woman in trouble. Not everyone believes that life begins at conception. I don’t. For the mere fact that miscarriages happen, twins sometimes morph into one another, there’s a thing called Vanishing Twin Syndrome. If life begins at conception, what happened to that life? Too many things can happen during the gestation period that scientifically prove that there is not ‘life’ in the womb.

When I was 15, I went to an anti-abortion rally in St. Louis, at Barnes-jewish hospital. I was actually on TV, not because I REALLY believed in the cause, but I wanted everyone to see my Bon Jovi bandana & t-shirt. Then I grew up and became a woman. The thought of being thought of a second-class citizen, just because I have a vagina, made me livid. If I become pregnant, no matter the circumstance, the Government is telling me what I can and can’t do with my own body? The Government is making life decisions for me just because I happen to be the one who can get pregnant? I don’t think so. I dare any of these disgusting old, white, Republican men to actually meet a rape victim. Meet a 13-year-old incest survivor and tell them to their face they HAVE to carry their rapist’s baby to term. They HAVE to carry their father’s baby to term. That is as cruel as anything. And I promise you none of these Congressmen/Senators who want to control a woman’s right to choose, DO NOT KNOW A RAPE VICTIM.

The House GOP’s Plan to Redefine Rape

Republicans’ Assault on Women

Rep. Bobby Franklin

What Country Do I Live In? What Year is This?

My Vagina


Posted by on February 2, 2012 in Politics, Religion, Television


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