Tag Archives: iowa

An Open Letter To Michele Bachmann

Dear Michele Bachmann:

I really wasn’t going to waste my time blogging about you because I thought there is NO WAY anyone would seriously vote for you. Boy was I wrong. Thanks Iowa. I thought FOR SURE, even the most conservative of the conservatives could not vote for a person who DOES NOT know their American history. I mean at the very least that would be a reason not to waste a vote on you. And you do know what I am talking about, right Mrs. Bachmann? Just for starters, your ridicules ‘slavery’ speech should have been your Waterloo. Seriously, a mentally challenged dog knows the Founding Fathers did not ‘work tirelessly to end slavery.’ Do you need me to repeat that Mrs. Bachmann? THE FOUNDING FATHERS DID NOT WORK TIRELESSLY TO END SLAVERY. That just happens to be a FACT, my dear. Something that you just don’t care about. Your mortifying speech made history teachers’ hearts palpitate across America. And your ‘doubling down’ on GMA with George Stephanopoulos killed them. WOW. I don’t know how YOU or any other GOP candidate gets away with the blatent disregard for truth the way you all do. Can you help me understand that? How can you go on national TV and say with a straight face that John Quincy Adams was definitely a Founding Father? HE WAS EIGHT YEARS OLD! That, Mrs. Bachmann, is you backtracking, spinning, saving face. And everyone who interviews you now, until you’re out of politics, should make you answer for it.

Now we need to talk about the fact that I have yet to see you answer a question. Someone asks you a direct question, and you do anything but answer directly. I always thought Sarah Palin was the GOP “Talking Points” queen, but I think you have taken that crown. You have avoided answering about how you feel about gay people, refused to answer about MANY things you have said in the past. The GOP debate last week, I don’t think you answered one question. You answered. But you didn’t answer the questions that were directly asked of you. Watch this video, Mrs. Bachmann, this is a perfect example of you not answering questions. And, it’s cring-y. I can’t stand you and I even cringe. Just watch:

See what I mean? In my opinion, the very WORST quality a Presidential Candidate can have is one that has NO accountability for anything they’ve ever said or done. You & Sarah Palin, it’s an embarrassment you are women. Click here to read just 10 of your craziest quotes. But if anyone ever asks you about them, you don’t answer. You just start bashing President Obama. Do you think you can win a general election by avoiding things you’ve said in the past? Yes, there are MANY stupid Americans right now who are running this country, and that would be your base, The Tea Baggers.

Mrs. Bachmann, have you gone on your Politifact page? It’s beyond fascinating. You LIE, more than anything. And your ‘pants on fire’ is out of control. I think you should go there and see if you can prove wrong. That would be epic. Because your LYING is beyond comprehension. But like I said, your base are the Tea Baggers, and they don’t care about truth or facts at all. Like you.

One thing you are going to HAVE to answer to is if you really believe you can ‘pray away the gay’ – For you to actually be a part of something that hideous makes my skin crawl. IN MY OPINION, your husband went to one of those ‘pray away the gay’ camps as a kid & someone put the fear of God in him. But you’re born gay, Michele. Just ask your husband.

And here is where you lose ALL credibility. This is BIG. You are quite possibly the biggest hypocrite of all the GOP Presidential candidates. What you say, and the actual truth makes you kind of a Socialist.

“My husband and I have never gotten a penny of money from the farm.” –

Wow, that’s a lie. Here is the truth about that statement.

When Standard & Poor’s “dropped our credit rating, what they said is, we don’t have an ability to repay our debt. … I was proved right in my position” that the debt ceiling should not have been raised.

What?? Obviously you didn’t read the report. Here is the truth on that. In fact, your Politifact page is quite fascinating. Everyone should seriously read it and try to figure out HOW you’ve even been elected. Wait I know, there are so many dumb American GOP voters that they don’t care to do their own research. And quite frankly, I don’t think they care what the truth actually is. Look at all of the LIES you have told, Mrs. Bachmann, and then you don’t even answer for them. You don’t take accountability for anything you say or do. I’m sorry, but you will NEVER win a general election. No way, No how.

You are an unbelievable embarrassment to women everywhere. You are filled with hate, and bigotry. That’s why you had NO problem signing a ‘pledge‘ that was so filled with racism, and hate, and bigotry, because that is who you are. But wait, did you come out and say that you signed it without reading it? Yeah, that’s what we want in a President. Someone who signs something without reading it. Nicely done.

So in conclusion, I just want to say that I hope those idiots who voted for you in Minnesota and in Iowa read all of the links in this letter and they realize how awful of a leader you will be. If you were to become President, would you do what you said in an interview with Chris Matthews in 2008? Would you ask every congress person and every Senator if they are pro America or anti-America? Will you do that? Do you seriously think that any one would say, “Yes, I am anti-America?” – Well YOU are very anti-America. Everything you have said and done in the past three years has been beyond UNpatriotic. You hate everyone except white men, apparently. And that’s not just hyperbole, Mrs. Bachmann, I have proof. I have YOU saying many things that make you anti-American. You have told more lies than truth. And that is a fact. You evade most questions asked of you. Another fact. And your husband is gay …



Posted by on August 15, 2011 in Politics, Religion, Television


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